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How does it work?

How does it work? Of course you are asking that question... Something for nothing? Surely there must be a catch...

The truth is there are 3 simple steps..

The 3 steps

And that.. believe it or not is it! However... Let me break it down for you.

First Step: SIGN UP!

When you sign up at FreebieJeebies and select the free gift you would like (Don't worry, you can change this later!) you will be asked for a valid Email Address and your Home Address. The purpose of this information is to ensure that you only have one account with FreebieJeebies and allows FreebieJeebies to send your free gift out to you.

Sign up for a free item! iPod's, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, GPS, HDTV, Plasma, LCD and more!

Type your email address into 'Sign Up Now' and hit GO!

Please make sure you enter this information TRUTHFULLY or you may forfeit your opportunity for free stuff!


Once you have successfully signed up, you will now be required to complete one of the offers FreebieJeebies is affliated with, a lot of these offers are free.

Sign up for a free item! iPod's, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, GPS, HDTV, Plasma, LCD and more!

Simple click on one of the offers whilst you are logged into your FreebieJeebies account, complete what ever the criteria is for that offer (which is outlined on the FreebieJeebies offer page as above) and soon you will be one step closer to receive great free stuff!


Now it is time to get your referral points! You get these by referring your friends to do the same as you have done, by clicking on your unique link, which is located under the 'Refer Friends' link on your FreebieJeebies account.

Sign up for a free item! iPod's, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, GPS, HDTV, Plasma, LCD and more!

Your friends must complete an offer in order for you to get a referral point, which when you have hit your target amount, you can then redeem for a free gift!

So how do FreebieJeebies make money?

Easy! Please refer to the below graphic which illustrates how FreebieJeebies benefits from giving YOU free stuff.


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